The Tax Problem Story - The Causes of Tax Problems

Although the causes of tax problems vary widely, they all have one thing in common: they are preventable. No matter the situation or whether the cause of the tax problem rests with an individual or business, taxes done properly will prevent future tax problems. The IRS states that most errors that cause tax problems are mistakes, such as misspellings, mathematical errors or the entering incorrect information.

For the Individual (including self-employed and sole proprietors):


Some possible outcomes resulting from causes of tax problems (if you have filed your income tax return):

Lawyer Reading
Not Sure What To Do

Some possible outcomes resulting from causes of tax problems (if you have not filed your income tax return):

For Businesses, including sole proprietorships and self-employed:


Lawyer Reading

Some possible outcomes resulting from causes of tax problems (if you have filed your income tax return):

Some possible outcomes resulting from causes of tax problems (if you have not filed your income tax return):

Unemployment/ Payroll

How does the unemployment tax problem start?

Failure to collect or deposit

  • Employees’ portion collected by employer and employer’s portion
  • Employees’ portion and employer’s portion not deposited with the IRS by the employer

Failure to correct

  • Employers notified to pay taxes by the IRS
  • Employers are unable to or unwilling to pay taxes

Collection begins

Trust fund penalty assessed and multiple collections actions are taken

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